The indoor LiDAR-based SLAM dataset consists of three scenes captured by multi-beam laser scanners in indoor environments with various complexity. The original scan frame data from scanners are provided. Users can test their LiDAR SLAM algorithm on these data.
We provide two ways of evaluation as follows:
(1) Evaluation using downloaded ground truth
The ground truth point cloud data of this dataset was obtained by a high-precision Terrestrial Laser Scanner (Riegl VZ-1000). Users can compare their point cloud results to the ground truth TLS point cloud.
(2) Evaluation by submitting results
More ground truth TLS point clouds are available for performance comparison. To participate in the comparison, users need to submit the trajectory generated by their SLAM algorithms. The evaluation results will be listed on the webpage.
Submission data format. In the submitted trajectory file, each line in the trajectory file should be a pose of the platform composed of position and orientation with respect to the initial position. The detailed format is: {frame_id p_x p_y s_z q_x q_y q_z q_w}, where frame_id is the corresponding index of lidar frame with the current pose, p_x, p_y, and p_z are the translation component of the current pose, q_x, q_y, q_z, and q_w are the quaternion representation of the rotation component of the current pose. Space separates each above number.
Evaluation criterion. Our evaluation firstly reconstructs the point cloud based on the submitted trajectory. Then, voxel filtering of 3cm is performed to ensure the same resolution of the point cloud. The distance between each point in the point cloud and the corresponding nearest neighbor point in the reference point cloud is calculated as the absolute error of each point. The point cloud generated by the SLAM algorithm uses the local coordinate system of the first frame as the global coordinate system. To make a fair comparison, we manually registered the first frame of the SLAM point cloud to the reference point cloud to obtain a transformation matrix T. By subsequently applied T to each evaluated point cloud, this point is aligned to the reference point cloud. The evaluation table will rank methods according to the average of absolute errors.